Friday, April 22, 2011

Anonymous player calls KG a punk, coward

The KG hate continues. Check out this nugget from ESPN's Player X blog (courtesy ESPN Boston):
Garnett is a punk and a coward. I know, I know. Easy for me to say behind this column. Don't worry, I'll tell him to his face, too. And I'm not the only one who thinks that: If you're not on his team, chances are you hate the guy. You can learn a lot about him by watching his eyes. If he's talking to you -- and he's always talking -- he avoids eye contact. My advice to other guys in the league: Stare him down, and he'll retreat. From what I've seen, he'll never mix it up with a player who's bigger than he is. Personally, I think he's scared to fight -- like a playground bully who barks but doesn't bite. 

But I have to admit, the Celtics are the most talkative guys in the league. And that makes sense, because it's the mark of a championship team. Mouths help you win big games. Ray Allen got mean in Boston, andPaul Pierce will look at you, say, "Stop this," then drop a J on your head.
I'm getting immune to all the KG criticism. Just because a guy doesn't back up his trash talk with punches, doesn't mean he's a coward. It means he knows where to draw the line.
My favorite part of the Player x blog is the reference to Pierce. The Mother-Fffin Truth does it again...

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